Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day Twenty-two: Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Granola bar. 9:30am. At home.

Fruit punch. Big Mac wrap. French fries. 11:58am. At McDonalds with Mom.

Chicken fingers. 4:56pm. At Sarah's house with Sarah (who else XD) from Sweetbay.

(The rest of these are at Sarah's house with Sarah, by the way XD)

Pretzel bites. 5:02pm.

Green tea. 5:11pm.

Green tea. 6:36pm.

Pretzel bites. 7:38pm.

Chocolate milk. 7:51pm.

Spicy shrimp ramen. 8:18pm.

Chocolate mix. 9:56pm.

Twix. 9:58pm.

Pretzel bites. Cheetos. 2:05am. (I know that's the next day, but oh well XD)

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