Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day Nineteen: Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

Just a reminder since I've been seeing a lot more views lately! If you have a comment, or anything, and don't want to sign up for an account, you can e-mail me at my special blog e-mail: hungryteenager@yahoo.com! ^ ^

Smores granola bar. 10:25am. At home.

Nachos. Lemonade. 1:11pm. At home from Target.

Popcorn. 1:11pm. At home from Target.

Buffalo chips. 2:40pm. At home from Target.

Sausage meatball grinder. 4:47pm. At home.

Hotpocket. Cranberry juice. Fruit nuggets. 9:37pm. At home.

Toblerone chocolate. 10:07pm. At home with Molly.

Whoppers. 10:09pm. At home with Molly.


  1. Lots of chocolate! XD yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy!
    -Sarah Emily

  2. That meatball/sausage grinder looks delicious!!! Did you make it yourself?
    I also agree with Sarah.... (and remind me to buy some stock in those "fruit nuggets"!)

  3. Yes! XD
    Nope! My mom made them ^ ^ hehe

  4. I really need to work on getting more green vegetables in you - maybe THAT will get you to talk to me more often LOL
