Friday, January 1, 2010

Day One: Friday, January 1st, 2010

Hello again! This is my first food photo post! I hope it works out well! ^__^

Waffle with cream cheese. Cranberry juice. 10:36am. At home with Sarah.

Oriental Ramen. Water. 1:20pm. At home with Sarah.

Rice Crackers. 2:54pm. At home with Sarah.

Chicken and Waffles with buttered bread. 5:06pm. At home.

Ferrero Rocher chocolate. 5:24pm. At home.

Fritos. 8:01pm. At home with Victor Hugo.

Florida's Natural Au'some Fruit String & Nuggets. 8:14pm. At home.
(Notice Tara McPherson's neat artwork to the left! ^-^)


  1. Super awesome!!!! ^.^ nicely done!
    - Sarah Emily (the bestest beastie in the history of beasts)

  2. Very interesting dinner... I prefer my waffles with ice cream!

  3. Hehe! I've never had that before! :D
